Happy Fall, Franklin Valley! ๐ Our Halloween Party is coming up in October, and everyone is welcome! We will have donuts, cider, pizza, movies, and games! ๐ฉ๐ If you want to bring your special homemade chili for our chili cook-off, please e-mail board@franklinvalley.org. Watch for date, time, and location details on the road signs. See you there! ๐๐๐
2024 annual meeting
Dear Franklin Valley residents, the annual subdivision meeting will be on Tuesday, June 11 at 6 pm. The location will be Warner School on 14 Mile west of Middlebelt. The meeting will be held outdoors due to renovations in the school building, so please bring a folding chair if possible. Hope to see you there!
2024 Ice Cream Social!
Happy spring! Our annual ice cream social this year will be Friday, May 17! Watch for details on the roadside signs. ๐จ๐ง๐ฆ
Winter snowplowing 2023-2024
The Franklin Valley Board has hired Greenscapes to plow the roads in our subdivision this coming winter. This is the same snowplowing service that was hired last year.
Homeowners interested in having their driveways plowed by the same service can contact Greenscapes by calling or texting 248-855-0616 or by e-mailing greenscapeslandscape@comcast.net. The cost per household for the season is $300.
Thanks to Board member Greg Knick for the time he spent communicating with several companies and collecting service quotes!
2023 Halloween Family Fun Night!
Franklin Valley residents — Sunday, October 29 is our annual Halloween Family Fun Night! We will have cider and donuts, candy, chili, movies, games, and more (including tents in case of rain)! All families are welcome. The party is from 4 to 7 at the home of one of our own Board members, Christine Broder! Check the sign boards at subdivision entrances for the address. Hope to see you there!
June 2023 annual meeting & newsletter
All Franklin Valley subdivision residents are invited to attend the annual subdivision meeting on Tuesday, June 13 at 6 pm at Warner Middle School (west of Middlebelt on 14 Mile)! The meeting agenda and other information can be found in the June 2023 newsletter available here.
Venmo now available for association dues payment!
Good news — Venmo is now an option for paying annual association dues! Scan the 2-D code below in your Venmo app to send your payment. You can also use this link: Venmo | Franklin Valley Association. Dues are currently $150 and are primarily used for landscaping of common areas, snowplowing, and maintenance (such as the split-rail fence along Middlebelt and 14 Mile).

West Bloomfield 2023 recycling events
If you have household hazardous waste (including used batteries and light bulbs) or old electronics, please dispose of these items safely by taking them to the West Bloomfield Civic Center Complex (4550 Walnut Lake Road) during the dates and times shown on the flyer below!
You can also drop off private documents to be shredded — same location, different dates.

Winter snowplowing
The HOA board has hired Greenscapes to plow the roads in our subdivision this coming winter. This is the same snowplowing service we have used in recent years. Homeowners interested in having their driveways plowed by the same service can contact Greenscapes by calling 248-855-0616.
Halloween Flick or Treat
Hey Franklin Valley — tomorrow is our Halloween Flick or Treat family friendly event!
Come on Sunday, October 30 between 5:30 and 8:30 pm. We will have:
- Outdoor movies!
- Cider and donuts!
- Candy and popcorn!
- Yard games!
- Halloween pictures and crayons!
We hope to see you there!